MTA CONSTRUCTION & DEVELOPMENT (MTA C&D) - Request for Proposals (SSE# 471956) - A37811 Design-Build Services for ADA Upgrades Package 7: Accessibility Upgrades at 2 Stations in the City of New York
Notice Summary :
SSE#: 471956
DUE DATE: 9/10/24
TITLE: A37811 Design-Build Services for ADA Upgrades Package 7: Accessibility Upgrades at 2 Stations in the City of New York
DESCRIPTION: The Metropolitan Transportation Authority (“MTA”), by and through the MTA Construction and Development Company (“MTA C&D”), will be issuing a two-step Request for Proposals (“RFP”), in order to identify and engage a qualified Design-Builder to provide design-build services to for ADA upgrades at two (2) MTA Stations in accordance with ADA Accessibility Guidelines, including but not limited to installing new elevators. In addition, and as part of the procurement for the Contract, the MTA intends to enter into a separate contract to provide for the long-term maintenance of new elevators. Respondents that are selected in the first step of the solicitation, the Request for Qualification (“RFQ”) process, will be eligible to participate in the upcoming second step, the Request for Proposal (“RFP”) process. MTA C&D intends to award a design-build contract and a maintenance contract at the end of the RFP process. It is anticipated that the Contract will be in whole or in part Federally funded.
Info for the above solicitation(s) can be found on