MTA Construction & Development - Request For Proposals (SSE#: 495019) - Design-Build Services for CBTC – Fulton-Liberty Line
Notice Summary :
MTA Construction & Development
Request For Proposals
SSE#: 495019
DUE DATE: 3/3/25
TITLE: Design-Build Services for CBTC – Fulton-Liberty Line. The Metropolitan Transportation Authority (“MTA”), by and through the MTA Construction and Development Company (“MTA C&D”), will be issuing a two-step Request for Proposals (“RFP”), in order to identify and engage a qualified Design-Builder to perform design, fabrication, construction, installation, testing and commissioning to replace the current fixed-block signaling system on NYCT’s Fulton and Liberty Lines with a CBTC-based Train Control System (“TCS”) that is compliant with MTA C&D’s Interoperability Interface Specification. In the first step, MTA C&D will issue a Request for Qualifications (“RFQ”) seeking Respondents who are qualified and prepared in all respects to perform the work on schedule and within budget. In the second step, MTA C&D will issue an RFP for the contract to the Respondents determined by MTA C&D to be qualified in the first step. Respondents with current contracts to perform work on MTA projects must be in good standing and satisfactorily progressing the work on such contracts to be deemed qualified to participate in the solicitation for the Contract.
Info for the above solicitation(s) can be found on